Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Costa Rican typical food

Typical food in Costa Rica is not only delicious but easy to make. the main ingredients are usually grains such as rice, beans and chickpeas and some vegetables that are tradiotionally from the area such as camote, yuca and guineo.

As in every country worldwide...Costa Rica has it is traditional foods, the ones that form the Tico diet. The products purchased monthly that make up this diet is known as the "canasta basica".

Five O'clock in the morning and the aroma of breakfast cooking permenates the air in the barrio (neighborhood). One does not need to ask what is cooking...cause it is most certainly the official Tico breakfast "Gallo Pinto" (literally translated as Painted Rooster) which is made by frying a mixture of day old rice & spiced beans. It is interpreted differently by each person who makes it but will most likely have some onions, green peppers, garlic and fresh culantro.

Then for lunch the most famous lunch plate in the Tico diet is the "CASADO" (literally translated as "marriage") and is the "plato del dia" (plate of the day) everywhere. It is contents can vary quite a bit from house to house or region to region...but it will always contain RICE (arroz) and BEANS (frijoles), and will normally contains some sort of MEAT (carne) and COOKED VEGETABLES (picadillo). Frequently it will have some FRIED PLANTAIN (platano) too.Lets not forget the CORN TORTILLAS, as they are the perfect "go-withs" for Latin meals.

Wherever you travel, cultural and socio-economic factors influence the foods people consume. Same goes for Costa Rica...but less so I believe. No matter the social status or banking statement, Tico's love the same foods. In fact, Tico's living abroad often comment on the lack of "familiar" food or the ingredients to make it !Here are a few of the most common Costa Rican plates. You won't travel far in Costa Rica without having the opportunity to try these.

Here are a few of the ones you will want to try while touring around the country:

· EMPANADAS...this little half round fried pies have a corn shell and their filling can be most anything, but some common types are, FRIJOLES (beans) -VEGETALES (vegetables) - QUESO (cheese) - CARNE (meat) - PAPAS (potatoes) etc.
· TACOS...the traditional Tico Taco is quite different than it is Mexican counterpart. It's tubular shape and roast beef-like filling is unique to Costa Rica. Topped with shredded cabbage and a mix of catsup and mayonnaise.
· GALLOS...simply put, a gallo is a corn tortilla with something on it! It could be Picadillo or a prepared meat (beef-pork-chicken). Gallos are very popular and accompany beer in taverns as well as a quick snack in a road side SODA (a cafe of sorts)
· Frescos —natural fruit drinks made from fruit, water or milk, and sugar. In water, try tamarindo (tamarind), maracuya (passion fruit), carambola (star fruit), or cas (sour guava). In milk, papaya, mora (blackberry) and guanabana (sour sop) are delicious.
· Tamales—traditional Christmas food but also available year round. Costa Rican tamales are made from ground corn, seasoned with small pieces of pork, olive, cooked rice and other stuffings. They are cooked and often served wrapped in banana leaves.
· Homemade tortillas accompany every traditional Costa Rican meal, and if you’re lucky enough to be offered thick, warm corn tortillas made by hand, don’t pass them up.
· Picadillos—A uniquely Costa Rican way to prepare vegetables. Water squash, potatoes, carrots or other veggies are chopped into small cubes and combined with onions, garlic and a small bit of ground beef for seasoning.
· Casado-a typical, inexpensive lunch or dinner plate (“casado” means married). Rice, beans, picadillo, salad and your choice of chicken, beef or fish are served with tortillas and a fresco. A casado will fill you up.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


The Esperanto is a neutral language, is not from country or ethnic group.
Within a few years, people started learning it and formed a worldwide community. Since then, Esperanto has been in use just like any other language.

It was created by L. L. Zamenhof at the end of the 19th century; he was convinced that a common language would be necessary to resolve many problems. The word Esperanto means "a person who is hoping", was adopted by Zamenhof as a pseudonym for his first book. It was gradually adopted in popular parlance as the name of the language itself.


Esperanto has a very regular structure.
The language is phonetic, and the rules of pronunciation are very simple, so that everyone knows how to pronounce a written word and vice-versa. All this make the learning of the language relatively easy. Most Esperanto roots are similar to words from Romance, Germanic or Slavic languages.

Linguistically speaking, Esperanto is neither superior nor inferior to any unplanned language; you can do the same things with it that speakers of English, Chinese, Russian or Quechua can do with their languages. Whether it is superior or inferior to other planned languages is an open question, since none of the others have gathered a great enough number of speakers for a long enough period of time to provide evidence one way or the other.


1. It is a neutral language, being the property of no particular group of people and therefore the equal property of everybody

2. It is relatively easy to learn. It would appear from personal experience and anecdotal evidence that, for an English speaker, Esperanto is perhaps five times as easy to learn as Spanish, ten times as easy as Russian, and "considerably" easier than Chinese, Japanese or Arabic.

The Esperanto is most commonly speak in countries like In Central and Eastern Europe, particularly the former satellite nations of the old Soviet Union (including its Baltic republics), and in East Asia, particularly mainland China. It is also fairly well known in certain areas of South America, notably Brazil, and Southwest Asia. It is less well known in English-speaking North America, Africa.

Here are some words in Esperanto maybe in the future it going to be useful for you!

Hello : Saluton /sa.lu.ton/
What is your name? : Kiel vi nomiĝas ? /ki.el vi no.mi.as/
My name is...: Mi nomiĝas... /mi no.mi.as/
¿how much? : Kiom? /ki.om/
Can you talk Esperanto? : Ĉu vi parolas Esperanton ? /u vi pa.o.las es.pe.an.ton/
I do not understand: Mi ne komprenas vin /mi ne kom.pe.nas vin/ (entre otras posibilidades)
Thanks: Dankon /dan.kon/
Please: Bonvolu /bon.vo.lu/

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Carlos Mayorga: http://www.universidadlatina.blogspot.com/
Rodolfo Guevara: http://www.rguevara-rodolfo.blogspot.com/
Maricruz Molina: http://www.maricruzmolinatrejos.blogspot.com/
Alex Guevara: http://www.aguevara02.blogspot.com/
Jennifer Molina: http://www.jennypaola-jenny.blogspot.com/
Jessica Barquero: http://www.jbarquero.blogspot.com/
Pituca: http://www.p2k34.blogspot.com/
Braulio Araya: http://www.braulioarayacarrillo.blogspot.com/
Yerling Caseres: http://www.garbage-yerling.blogspot.com/
Maringen Gonzales: http://www.recursos-maringen.blogspot.com/
Haylen Cubillo: http://www.dixicubillo.blogspot.com/
Jonathan Gutierrez: http://www.john2269.blogspot.com/
Dana Arias: http://www.nana03-animegirl.blogspot.com/
Greivin Araya: http://www.greivinaraya.blogspot.com/
Nidia Gayle: http://www.nidiagayle.blogspot.com/
Magaly Rojas: http://www.magaly-mrojas.blogspot.com/
Sirley Sandi: http://www.tilism.blogspot.com/
Marisol Arce: http://www.marysolarce.blogspot.com/
Meydellyn Vargas: http://www.meypinkypunky.blogspot.com/
Maribel leon: http://www.marileon21.blogspot.com/
Jorge Paniagua www.jpaniagua.blogspot.com
Karen rojas www.milena29.blogspot.com
Henry trejos www.henrymetal87.blogspot.com

Multiples intelligences

Is an educational theory, that describes different kinds os intelligences and this can be divided in:

1.Bodily-kinesthetic: The poeple that have this intelligence are good at phisical activities like sports and dance they prefer activities which use movemnt.

2.Interpersonal: People in this category are extroverty and are characterized by their sensitivity to others mood, fellings, tempetaments amd motivation, and their ability to cooperate in order to work as part of a group.

3.Verbal-linguistic: Intelligence has to do with words, spoken or written. People with verbal-linguistic intelligence display a facility with words and languages.

4.Logical-Mathematical:This area has to do with logic, abstractions, inductive and deductive reasoning, and numbers.

5.Naturalistic:This area has to do with nature, nurturing and relating information to one's natural surroundings.

6.Intrapersonal:This area has to do with introspective and self-reflective capacities. Those who are strongest in this intelligence are typically introverts and prefer to work alone.

7.Visual-Spatial:This area has to do with vision and spatial judgment. People with strong visual-spatial intelligence are typically very good at visualizing and mentally manipulating objects.

8.Musical:This area has to do with rhythm, music, and hearing. Those who have a high level of musical-rhythmic intelligence display greater sensitivity to sounds, rhythms, tones, and music.

technophilics vrs technophobics

The technophilia is a strong enthusiasm for technology specially new techonologies like computers, internet, cell phones , etc.
Techonophobia is a fear or dislike of advance techonology, it has been observed to affec various demographics througout the world. It produce that some groups take stnces against some modern techological delopments in order to preserve their ideologies.
the techonophilia and techonophobia are two extremes bettween technology and society. Techonophobia dislikes techonology, because thinks that have a lot of consequences like the beegin of process of dehumanization.
Technophilia sees the technology like something positive and potentially improve life and combat social problems.